Submission Guidelines
Authors are requested to submit full-text papers (.doc, .docx or .pdf) including results, tables, figures and references through electronic submission systems which can be found here. The paper should not be more than 25 pages (including the abstract, figures, tables and references) single spaced in Times New Roman 12pt font in A4 size page. Page margin from Top = 0.75", Bottom = 1.69", Left = Right = 0.56" should be set.
For formatting reference please find a template here.
The case and teaching note should be a .doc, .docx or .pdf file/s, single spaced using Times New Roman 12pt font in A4 size page. Page margin from Top = 0.75", Bottom = 1.69", Left = Right = 0.56" should be set. The case itself should normally not exceed 20 pages, including all exhibits. A teaching note is mandatory for a case submission. To ensure a blind review process, please do not include any author information in your document (check File Properties to ensure that your name is not automatically provided as the author of the document).
Please click here for case writing guidelines.